The Exciting Life Skill Activities in Class 2I


The Exciting Life Skill Activities in Class 2I

Published 15 March 2024


Faiz Zubair Wissan

There is no such thing as failure except when you give up. 


Translator : Larasati Adiannisa W

Hi guys, my name is Faiz, and I'm from class 2I. I want to tell you about the life skills activity at SDIP Daarul Jannah which was held on Thursday, February 22, 2024 yesterday. In my class, I made a decorative bag that will be used for a place to complete the Quran.

First of all, we prepare the tools and materials first. The materials used included: canvas cloth bag, Eva foam, gold paper, manila paper and glue. While the tools used are stationery and scissors.

Picture 1. Preparation of Tools and Materials

Anyway, before we start we are also given an example of the drawing. The boys will draw a rocket while the girls will draw a hot air balloon. Well, first of all, I wrote my name on eva foam paper which will be used as the identity of the bag. After that, I cut out the name and stuck it with glue on the canvas bag.

Picture 2. The process of making bag ornaments

Next, I drew the rocket on eva foam paper. I chose blue color for the rocket body because I like the color blue. For the wings, I chose orange color. I chose the white color for the main window. To make it more beautiful, I added stars around it.

Picture 3. The finished bag

My female friends’ drawings were equally good. They made hot air balloons. The drawings are beautiful and colorful. Besides hot air balloons, some drew animals and smiles.

Picture 4. Female Student's Work

After everything was finished, we took a group photo in front of the classroom with our beloved teachers, Mrs. Risa and Mrs. Desmi. Our teachers were the ones who guided us in making the workshop so that everything could be done well. Thank you, teacher.

Well, my Quran bag is now finished. I can't wait to fill it with qiroti books and Quranic notebooks. Hopefully, with this Quran bag, no Quran books will be left behind. That's the story of life skills activities in my class, friends. See you on another occasion.



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