Sekolah Islam Plus Daarul Jannah

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The End Forever Of Us

Talitha Faiha

One night in the winter season a woman gave birth to a baby who was very beautiful like an angel, but the happiness did not last long because the mother died of a heavy bleeding. When his mother's family heard about it they discussed throwing the baby away because they didn't have enough money to meet his needs, and yes on a cold night he was dumped on the side of the road with only a thick blanket how cruel, right?

16 years later a girl was pedaling her bicycle to school the named Alora Conless or people used to call her Lora. A little girl who was abandoned by her family, when she was a baby and a girl found her on the street and adopted her as her child. Lora grew up with a single mother who had failed several times in her marriage, then she thought her life would end but thanks to Lora she has the spirit to be able to live her life again. Lora’s mother works as a clothing designer. His mother loves her so much and always there for her even when she is sick, his mother always cried because i shouldn’t feel that.

The next day, today i go to my new school in california i'm a bit nervous because the previous years i didn't have friends in my old school so, i hope i have friends in my new school. ''Good morning everyone how are you guys doing? Were doing fine miss!'' Okay before we start we have a new student from london, so i hope you guys can be a good friends with her.'' Understand all? Yes miss.'' ''Please introduce yourself! Said miss charlotte, Hello everyone my name is lora I’m from london i moved here because of my mom works so i hope we can be a good partner.'' Okay lora you can sit next to daniel table, thank you. '' after my first lesson finished i walked to buy food in canteen i don't know where it is.Then suddenly a man tapped me on the shoulder

‘’hey do you need help? Yes I think so.’’After that we walked together finally we entered the canteen.Then I sit at the table with him, and i say’’Thank you for your help, haha no problem

‘’nice to meet you my name is jack nollan, nice to meet you too jack. Can we be friends? Of course you can, then we talk while enjoying our lunch.

So it's been 1 year me and jack are friends but, something strange that i feel in jack is different from before i don't know why but i hope he is fine.

‘’Are u okay jack? this week you look have no spirit, do you have any problem?’’

‘’No., i’m alright nothings happen to me so you don’t have to be worry, Its okay if you want to talk, i will listen to you. Alright I'll go first.

So I always scared of a baseball bat because like a flashback to that time in my old school i was bullied with all student of my class, they always punch me with a baseball bat and gave a bad words. At that time i feel i don't have powers, i feel so stupid that i can't fight back against them. so my mom know about this, then she took me to psychiatrist in hospital that she hope i can feel better and don't have trauma.I just still feel sad about that. I just wanna live safe.

‘’How about you? Me? My mom and my dad divorce when i was 10.

My dad is a drunkard, he always abuse me when i was little. i have a sister but she died when she was a baby. Everyone thinks that I'm a bad person i always looked down upon and everyone hates me. I have a traumatic too i can't say that sorry i just feel not ready so yeah that’s my life.

"Yeah it's fine, I know how you feel but thanks for being my friend."
"Yeah no problem I'm always there."

The next day I walked to my class when I got to class, I read the book Jack gave me. after a long time the bell finally rang I was confused because jack was not present today, a question also appeared in my mind ''hm, it's not like jack usually to do or maybe something happened to him.''

At the different place..

A boy stood in the river, ''why I'm doing this!'' But i don't feel safe i always can't control my emotions and destroyed evrything, why am I such like this person? ''i just wanna feel safe and free i hope this will be the best choice for me sorry... lora. Then he jumped into the river and slowly disappeared.

When the school was over i walked hurriedly to Jack's house after that I rang the doorbell.

ting-tong ''is anyone here?'' then after that a woman opened the door, ''Good afternoon, is there anything I can help you with?''

then i answered, "Hello, my name is Alora, I'm Jack's best friend,

"Is Jack there, auntie? ''Jack, he's been going to school since this morning."Really? but he hasn't been at school since this morning."

‘'Are you serious? Yes, I have tried calling him many times but he is not answering.''

''Oh my god what happened to him, does jack have a problem? ah sorry I didn't mean to ask that.''

''Ah it's fine, so far he's fine but when he's feeling depressed, he definitely doesn't come home.''

''Auntie will try to call him.'' Then I nodded and hurriedly left Jack's house.

It's been two days since Jack's disappearance. at that time, I feel uneasy because he hasn't been found at all, suddenly my cell phone rang. "Hello, yes, I'm Lora. What's the point of calling me? We found Jack's body, but he's dead.'

hearing that I turned off the phone and then, rushed to the scene the investigation team said. There are already a lot of people, I don't have much time. Then I asked Mr. John the person who called me earlier."Where's the proof that jack is dead?

Then he give me the jacket that jack likes to wear. "No! You’re lying right? It cannot be him please no! Why, you do that jack why?" Am i not enough for you!" it feel very hurts i think its a big problem but why you give up.

Jack was found in the river the investigation team said that, jack was kill him self. because of his mental issue and bully. Of course he couldn't hold it anymore so he thinks is the best choice to live peace. Jack couldn't be saved because he was hypothermic from being in the water for too long.

The funeral takes place the next day. Today is the day Jack is buried, sobs are heard everywhere.

Moreover, Jack's mother is the most grieving person, my son why you leave mommy alone!

Suddenly Jack's mother fainted, then taken to his room. I was beside him from the start until he was buried underground. And i realized that i'll never see jack again in my life.

The sobs of jack's family and friends sounded painful. After Jack was buried, the funeral was over.

The people lost for the loss of Jack they are all condolences and hope Jack can rest in peace there.

The sky was dark with very heavy rain. The world is too painful for him I hope you get what you dream of. I don't know what it would be like if I lost a friend like you, Thank you for fighting together until the end, thank you.

10 years later...

A woman walks into a graveyard and she puts flowers on it.

'' Hi jack, its been a long time since you left us i hope you are well now i have my own family and i have recovered from my traumatic i think that's the best news I've ever heard thank you for all the kindness you give to me. I will always remember you rest in peace there.

You can heal others but not with yourself. You always said that ‘’if i make people happy, it makes me feel happy too but, you’ve done everything you can do to make yourself feel happy, but you've never been feel happy. Let’s meet in another life my hero.

The End